Meet the Northern California Association
Board Members
Maureen McEnroe (New Zealand) Board term: 2024-2027
Vice President
Leslie Carol Roberts (New Zealand) Board term: 2024-2027
Colleen Crangle (United Kingdom) Board term: : 2021-2024
Sara Parker (China) Board term: 2021-2024
Director of Social Media
Kristy Smith (Portugal) Board term: 2024-2027
Director of Advocacy
Mark Seielstad (Taiwan) Board term: 2024-2027
Monika Hudson (Colombia) Board term: 2021-2024
Matt O’Brien (Colombia) Board term: 2021-2024
Contact us at:
Our Goals
To partner with the National Association to strengthen their activities around the Fulbright Exchange program. The Fulbright Association is committed to advocating for the program in Washington, DC and around the world as a visible, vocal champion for its importance and impact.
To outreach to the local community to spread the word about the Association and to build partnerships.
To partner with the National office on plans to connect with local political leaders and ensure their awareness of and participation in the goals of the Fulbright Association and Chapter, and to seek out ways to set and accomplish joint goals.
To propose and fund projects that continue the goals of the Fulbright program throughout the world by:
Seeking out leaders in the business and industrial community to partner with on projects in the U.S. and worldwide.
Connecting with Visiting Fulbright Students and Scholars, inviting them to our chapter’s events
Connecting with the Visiting Scholar liaisons at academic institutions to partner on opportunities for Visiting Fulbrighters to meet Fulbright Alumni
Connecting with outgoing Fulbrighters before the start of their grant to offer assistance and support
Organizing the membership for public works projects
Engaging our members and prospective members through a 1-2 page periodic online newsletter with upcoming events and goals, perhaps profiles of alumni